- left, the left side (always opposed to dakkhiṇa) Ja.iv.407 (˚akkhi); Pv.iv.7#8 Mil.295 (˚gāhin left-handed); Pv-a.178 (˚passa left side). As “northern” at Ja.v.416. vāmaṃ karoti to upset Ja.iv.101
■ instr. vāmena on the left Snp.p.80. abl. vāmato from or on the left Ja.iii.340; Pv.ii.3#20 (as much as “reverse”; Pv-a.87 = vilomato). - beautiful; only in cpd. vām-ūru having beautiful thighs DN.ii.266; Ja.ii.443. So read at both places for vāmuru.
Vedic vāma