Caus. of vasati2 (q.v.).
to perfume, to clean or preserve by means of perfumes, to disinfect (?) Vin.i.211 (here in the sense of “preserve, cure,” probably as vāseti of vasati2); Vin.ii.120; Ja.iv.52 (aṭṭhīni, for the sake of preservation); Ja.v.33 (saso avāsesi sake sarīre explained as “sake sarīre attano sarīraṃ dātuṃ avāsesi vāsāpesī ti attho, sarīrañ c’ assa bhakkh’ atthāya adāsi. In this passage vāseti is by Kern,
s. v. taken as Caus. of vas to eat, thus “he made eat, feasted, entertained by or on his own body”), Ja.v.321 (kusumehi vāsetvā perfume). See also vasati2 (Caus.)
pp vāsita. Caus. ii. vāsāpeti Ja.v.33.
Denom. fr. vāsa perfume