
wind. There exists a common distinction of winds into 2 groups: “internal and “external” winds, or the ajjhattikā vāyo-dhātu (wind category), and the bāhirā. They are discussed at Vb.84, quoted at MN-a.30, MN-a.31, and explained in detail at Vb-a.70 sq.; Vism.350. The bāhirā also at Cnd.562 and in poetical form at SN.iv.218
■ The internal winds (see below 2) comprise the foll.: uddhangamā vātā adhogamā, kucchisayā, koṭṭhāsasayā, angam-ang’ ânusārino, satthakā, khurakā, uppalakā, assāso, passāso i.e. all kinds of winds (air) or drawing pains (rheumatic?) in the body, from hiccup, stitch and stomach-ache up to breathing. Their complement are the external winds (see below 1), viz. puratthimā vātā pacchimā, uttarā, dakkhiṇā (from the 4 quarters of the sky), sarajā arajā, sītā uṇhā, parittā adhimattā, kāḷā verambha˚, pakkha˚, supaṇṇa˚, tālavanta˚, vidhūpana ˚ These are characterized according to direction dust, temperature, force, height & other causes (like fanning etc.).

  1. wind (of the air) SN.iv.218 (vātā ākāse vāyanti); Snp.71, Snp.348, Snp.591 (vāto tūlaṃ va dhaṃsaye), Snp.622, Snp.1074; Ja.i.72; Pp.32; Vism.31. adhimatta v. SN.iv.56; mahā˚; SN.ii.88; AN.i.136, AN.i.205; AN.ii.199; AN.iv.312 veramba˚; (winds blowing in high regions: upari ākāse SN.ii.231) AN.i.137; Thag.598; Ja.vi.326.

  2. “winds” of the body, i.e. pains caused by (bad) circulation, sometimes simply (uncontrolled) movements in the body, sometimes rheumatic pains, or sharp & dragging pains in var. parts of the body Ne.74. Also applied to certain; humours, supposed to be caused by derangements of the “winds of the body (cp. Gr. χυμός; or E. slang “get the wind up”), whereas normal “winds” condition normal health: Pv.ii.6#1 (tassa vātā balīyanti: bad winds become strong, i.e. he is losing his senses, cp. Pv-a.94: ummāda-vātā)
    aṅga˚; pain in the limbs (or joints) rheumatism Vin.i.205; udara˚; belly ache Ja.i.393, Ja.i.433; Dhp-a.iv.129; kammaja˚; birth-pains Vism.500; kucchi˚ pains in the abdomen (stomach) Vb-a.5; piṭṭhi˚; pains in the back ibid.

  3. (fig.) atmosphere, condition, state or as pp. (of vāyati) scented (with), full of, pervaded (by), at Vin.i.39 (vijana˚; pervaded by loneliness, having an atmosphere of loneliness; Kern.


    s. v. vāta wrongly “troop, crowd.” The same passage occurs at DN.iii.38, where Rh. D., Dial. iii.35, trsls “where the breezes from the pastures blow”; with expln vijana vṛjana vajati*], hardly justified. In same connection at AN.iv.88); Mil.19 (isi˚-parivāta scented with an atmosphere of Sages; Rh. D. differently: “bringing down the breezes from the heights where the Sages dwell”; forced)

■ On vāta in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 135.

  • -ātapa (Dvandva) wind and heat. In this phrase Bdhgh. takes vāta as wind (above 1) at Vism.31 (saraja & araja v.), but as (bodily); pain (above 2) at Vb-a.5 See DN.iii.353; SN.ii.88; SN.iii.54; SN.v.379; AN.i.204; AN.ii.117 AN.ii.143, AN.ii.199; AN.iii.394 sq., AN.iii.404; AN.v.15, AN.v.127; Snp.52; Ja.i.93; Mil.259, Mil.314, Mil.416; Dhp-a.iii.112.
  • -ābādha “wind disease,” internal pains (not rheumatism) Vin.i.205; Mil.134; Vism.41.
  • -āyana air hole, window Mhvs.5 Mhvs.37; Dāva v.57.
  • -āhata struck by the wind Vism.63; Dhp-a.iii.328.
  • -erita moved by the wind (of trees SN.v.123; AN.iii.232; Vv-a.175.
  • -kkhandha “wind bulk,” mass of wind, region of the wind Ja.vi.326
  • -ghāta (“wind-struck”) the tree Cassia (or Cathartocarpus) fistula, a syn. of uddāla(ka) Ja.iv.298; Vv-a.197 Also as -ka at Ja.v.199, Ja.v.407; Vv-a.43.
  • -java swiftness of the wind Ja.vi.274.
  • -dhuta shaken by the wind, swaying in the w. Vv.38#5, cp. Vv-a.174.
  • -passa the wind side Dhp-a.ii.17.
  • -pāna lattice, window Vin.i.209; Vin.ii.148 Vin.ii.211; AN.i.101, AN.i.137; AN.iv.231; Ja.ii.325; Ja.v.214; Ja.vi.349 (read vātapān˚; for dvārapān˚); Kp-a.54; Dhp-a.i.211, Dhp-a.i.370; Vv-a.67; Pv-a.4, Pv-a.216, Pv-a.279.
  • -bhakkha living on air Dhp-a.ii.57.
  • -maṇḍala a whirlwind, gust of wind, storm tornado [cp. BSk. vāyu-maṇḍala at Avs.i.256 with note] Ja.i.72; Snp-a.224.
  • -maṇḍalikā id. Vin.ii.113 Vin.iv.345; Ja.iv.430.
  • -yoga direction of the wind Ja.ii.11
  • -roga “wind disease,” upset of the body, disturbance of the intestines, colic Snp-a.69; Vv-a.185.
  • -vassā (pl. wind and rain Pv-a.55.
  • -vuṭṭhi id. Snp-a.34.
  • -vega force of the wind Snp.1074; Pv-a.47.
  • -sakuṇa a certain kind of bird (“wind-bird”) Mnd.87, where Kp-a.118 reads bhāsa˚.

Vedic vāta, of ; cp. Sk. vāti & vāyati to blow, vāyu wind; Lat. ventus, Goth. winds = wind; Ohg wājan to blow, Oir. feth air; Gr. αἤμι to blow, ἀήτης wind, Lith. áudra storm etc.