yapana FIXME double

Yāpana & yapana

(nt.) keeping going, sustenance, feeding, nourishment existence, living. Esp. in one standing combn respecting the feeding and keeping of the body “kāyassa ṭhitiyā yāpanāya etc.” (for the maintenance of the body) in yātrā passage: see yātrā 2; in which it is explained at Vism.32 by “pavattiyā avicched’ atthaṃ cira-kāla-ṭṭhit’ atthaṃ” i.e. for the preservation of life
■ Further at Ja.i.66 (alam me ettakaṃ yāpanāya), Ja.v.387 (thokaṃ mama yāpana-mattaṃ eva); Dhp-a.iv.210 (yāpana-mattaṃ dhanaṃ); Pv-a.28
■ Used more freq together with shortened form yapana; in standard phrase vutti pālana, yapana yāpana cāra (cp. yapeti at Vism.145; Dhs-a.149, Dhs-a.167. Or similarly as f. with spelling yapanā & yāpanā: yapanā yāpanā iriyanā vattanā pālanā at Dhs.19, Dhs.82, Dhs.295, Dhs.380, Dhs.441, Dhs.716. At Dhs-a.404 yāpanā is used as syn. of yātrā.

fr. yāpeti. Cp. Epic & Class. Sk. yāpana