neuter “what may be yoked,” i.e.
- a coach, carriage, waggon (usually large & covered, drawn by bullocks) Ja.vi.31 sq. (paṭicchanna), Ja.vi.368 (mahā˚) Dhp-a.ii.151 (mahā˚ & paṭicchanna).
- a draughtbullock ox Vv.84#8; Pv.ii.9#36 (= ratha-yuga-vāhana Pv-a.127); Ja.vi.221. yoggāni muñcati to unharness the oxen Pv-a.43, Pv-a.100.
Vedic yogya; a grd. formation fr. yoga in meaning of yoga 1
(nt. & adj.)
- (nt.) a contrivance Ja.iv.269 (yoggaṃ karoti, may be in meaning “training, practice” here: see yoggā) Vv-a.8 (gahaṇa˚).
- (adj.) fit for (= yutta), adapted to, suitable; either-˚ or with inf.: Vv-a.291; Pv-a.25 (here spelt yogya), Pv-a.135 (bhojana˚), Pv-a.152 (kamma-vipāk ânubhavana˚), Pv-a.154 (gamana˚ passable, variant reading yogya), Pv-a.228 (anubhavana˚).
same as last, in meaning of yoga 7