made a habit of, indulged in, acquired, mastered (cp. expln Pts.i.172 “yattha yattha ākankhati tattha tattha vasippatto hoti balappatto etc.”). The expression is to be compared with yatānuyāgin & yātrā, similarly to which it is used only in one stock phrase. It comes very near yātrā in meaning “that which keeps one going,” i.e. an acquired & thoroughly mastered habit, an “altera natura.” It is not quite to the point when Dial ii.110 (following Childers?) translate as “to use as a vehicle
■ Occurring with identical phraseology, viz. bahulīkata yāni-kata vatthu-kata anuṭṭhita paricita susamāraddha in application to the 4 iddhipādā at DN.ii.103; AN.iv.309; SN.v.260; Mil.140; to mettā at MN.iii.97; SN.i.116; SN.ii.264; SN.iv.200; SN.v.259; AN.v.342; Ja.ii.61; Mil.198. Explained at Pts.i.172, cp. Pts.ii.122, 130.
yāna + kata, with i for a in compound with kṛ; perhaps also in analogy with bahulī-kata