to tell, relate, show, describe, explain DN.i.110; AN.ii.189 (atthaṃ ā to interpret); Pp.59; Dhp-a.i.14; Snp-a.155; Pv-a.121, Pv-a.164 (describe)
imper pres. ācikkha Snp.1097 (= brūhi Cnd.119 & Cnd.455); Pv.i.10#9; Pv.ii.8#1; and ācikkhāhi Dhp-a.ii.27. aor. ācikkhi Pv-a.6, Pv-a.58, Pv-a.61, Pv-a.83
■ ācikkhati often occurs in stock phrase ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati etc., e.g. Mnd.271; Cnd.465; Vism.163
■ attānaṃ ā. to disclose one’s identity Pv-a.89, Pv-a.100
pp ācikkhita (q.v.)
caus 2 ācikkhāpeti to cause some body to tell Dhp-a.ii.27.
Freq. of ā + khyā, i.e. akkhāti