

indeclinable affirmative part. “yes, indeed, certainly” DN.i.192 sq. (as variant reading BB.; T. has āmo); Ja.i.115 Ja.i.226 (in C. expln. of T. amā-jāta which is to be read for āmajāta); Ja.ii.92; Ja.v.448; Mil.11, Mil.19, Mil.253; Dhp-a.i.10, Dhp-a.i.34 Dhp-a.ii.39, Dhp-a.ii.44; Vv-a.69; Pv-a.12, Pv-a.22, Pv-a.56, Pv-a.61, Pv-a.75, Pv-a.93 etc.

a specific Pāli formation representing either amma (q.v.) or a gradation of pron. base amu˚ “that (see asu), thus deictic-emphatic exclamn. Cp. also BSk āma e.g. Avs.i.36


adjective raw, viz.

  1. unbaked (of an earthen vessel), unfinished Snp.443.
  2. uncooked (of flesh), nt. raw flesh, only in foll. compounds: -gandha “smell of raw flesh”, verminous odour; a smell attributed in particular to rotting corpses (cp similarly BSk. āmagandha Mvu.iii.214) DN.ii.242 sq. AN.i.280; Snp.241, Snp.242 (= vissagandha kuṇapagandha Snp-a.286), Snp.248, Snp.251; Dhs.625; and -giddha greedy after flesh (used as bait) Ja.vi.416 (= āmasankhāta āmisa C.).

Vedic āma = Gr. ὠμός, connected with Lat. amārus. The more common P. form is āmaka (q.v.)