contracted form of aṃsa in cpd. koṭṭhāsa part., portion etc.: see aṃsa1. Can we compare BSk. āsapātrī (see next).
food, only in cpd. pātarāsa morning food, breakfast Snp.387 (pāto asitabbo ti pātar-āso piṇḍapātass’ etaṃ nāmaṃ Snp-a.374); Dhp-a.iv.211; see further ref under pātar; and pacchā-āsa aftermath SN.i.74. Can we compare BSk. āsa-pātrī (vessel) Divy.246? Der. fr. āsa is āsaka with abstr. ending āsakattaṃ “cating”, food, in nānā˚ various food or na + anāsak˚) Snp.249. See also nirāsa, which may be taken either as nir + *āśa or nir + *āsā.
Sk. āśa
the adj. form of āsā (f.), wish, hope. See under āsā.
archaic 3rd sg. perf. of atthi to be, only in cpd. itihāsa = iti ha āsa “thus it has been”.