- the pin of a wheel-axle, a linch-pin MN.i.119; SN.ii.266, SN.ii.267; AN.ii.32; Snp.654; Ja.vi.253, Ja.vi.432; Snp-a.243; Kp-a.45, Kp-a.50.
- a peg, pin, bolt, stop (at a door) MN.i.119; SN.ii.266 (drum stick); Ja.iv.30; Ja.vi.432, Ja.vi.460; Thag.744; Dhp.i.39.
- (fig.) (˚-) peg-like (or secured by a peg, of a door) small, little in -colaka a small (piece of) rag Vin.ii.271 cp. Vin.i.205. (vaṇabandhana-colaka); -dvāra Thag.355; C khuddaka-dvāra, quoted at Brethren 200, trsl. by Mrs Rh. D. as “the towngate’s sallyport” by Neumann as “Gestöck” (fastening, enclosure) āṇi-gaṇṭhik’āhato ayopatto at Vism.108; DN-a.i.199 is apparently a sort of brush made of four or five small pieces of flexible wood.
Vedic āṇi to aṇu fine, thin, flexible, in formation an n-enlargement of Idg. *olenā, cp. Ohg. lun, Ger. lünse Ags. lynes = E. linch, further related to Lat. ulna elbow Gr. ὠλένη, Ohg. elina, Ags. eln = E. el-bow. See Walde Lāt. Wtb. under ulna & lacertus