

A brahmin of Sāvatthī, of the Bhāradvāja clan. The Buddha, while on his rounds, sees him tending the fire and preparing oblations, and stands for alms in front of his house. The brahmin abuses him, calling him muṇḍaka and vasala. Thereupon the Buddha preaches to him the Vasala Sutta (or, as it is sometimes called, the Aggika Bhāradvāja Sutta), and wins him over to the faith. Snp.21–25


A brahmin of Rājagaha, a fire-tender. He prepares a meal for sacrifice, and when the Buddha, out of compassion for him, appears before his house for alms, he says the meal is meant only for one who has the “threefold lore” (the three Vedas). The Buddha gives the brahmin another interpretation of the “threefold lore”;. The brahmin, thereupon, becomes a convert, enters the Order, and, in due course, attains arahantship. SN.i.166f.