An anāgāmī, one of seven persons who became arahants as soon as they were born in Avihā. SN.i.35 SN.i.60
Chief among monks of aristocratic birth. AN.i.23 He belonged to a family of the Sākyan rājas of Kapilavatthu and entered the Order in the Anupiya Mango grove with Anuruddha and the others, soon afterwards attaining to arahantship. Dwelling in the bliss of Nibbāna, under a tree in a lonely spot, Bhaddiya used to exclaim “Ahh, what bliss! Ahh, what bliss!” When this was reported to the Buddha, he questioned Bhaddiya, who answered that when he was ruling his principality he was well protected, yet was ever fearful and nervous, whereas now, having renounced all, he was free from all fear Thag.842–865 Vin.i.183f.
It is said Vin.ii.182f. that Bhaddiya attained arahantship in the first rainy season after his ordination.
A city in the Aṅga kingdom. The Buddha visited there several times and stayed sometimes at the Jātiyāvana where Meṇḍaka, who lived there, came to see him. Vin.ii.242 AN.iii.36
It was there that the precept was laid down forbidding monks to wear sandals, Vin.i.190 and also another ruling re the Pārājika. Vin.iii.37f.
A Licchavi who visited the Buddha at the Kūṭāgārasālā and asked if it were true that the Buddha was a magician who, by a glamorous trick, enticed away the followers of others. The Buddha advised Bhaddiya not to be led away by hearsay but to judge for himself.; and he then proceeded, by means of question and answer, to convince Bhaddiya that his teachings were truly founded on fact and, if accepted and practised, would benefit not only human beings but the very trees of the forest. AN.ii.190ff.