
IsipatanaMigadayaDeer Park

An open space near Benares, the site of the famous Migadāya or Deer Park. It was eighteen leagues from Uruvelā, and when Gotama gave up his austere penances his friends, the Pañcavaggiyā monks, left him and went to Isipatana. After his Enlightenment the Buddha, leaving Uruvelā, joined them in Isipatana, and it was there that he preached his first sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. Vin.i.10f.

Isipatana is mentioned by the Buddha as one of the four places of pilgrimage which his devout followers should visit. DN.ii.141

Here it was that one day at dawn Yasa came to the Buddha and became an arahant. Vin.i.15f. It was at Isipatana, too, that the rule was passed prohibiting the use of sandals made of talipot leaves. Vin.i.189 On another occasion when the Buddha was staying at Isipatana, having gone there from Rājagaha, he instituted rules forbidding the use of certain kinds of flesh, including human flesh. Vin.i.216ff. Twice, while the Buddha was at Isipatana, Māra visited him but had to go away discomfited. SN.i.105f.

Besides the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta mentioned above, several other suttas were preached by the Buddha while staying at Isipatana, among them.

  • the Pañca Sutta SN.iii.66f.
  • the Rathakāra or Pacetana Sutta AN.i.110f.
  • the two Pāsa Suttas SN.i.105f.
  • the Samaya Sutta AN.iii.320ff.
  • the Kaṭuviya Sutta AN.i.279f.
  • a discourse on the Metteyyapañha of the Parāyana AN.iii.399f.
  • the Dhammadinna Sutta SN.v.406f.

Some of the most eminent members of the Saṅgha seem to have resided at Isipatana from time to time; among recorded conversations at Isipatana are several between Sāriputta and Mahākoṭṭhita, SN.ii.112f. SN.iii.167f. SN.iv.162f. SN.384ff. and one between Mahākoṭṭhita and Citta-Hatthisāriputta. AN.iii.392f.

Mention is made, too, of a discourse in which several monks staying at Isipatana tried to help Channa in his difficulties. SN.iii.132f.
