

One of the seven Buddhas mentioned in the Canon. DN.ii.7

Among those who attained arahantship under Kassapa is mentioned Gavesī, who, with his five hundred followers, strove always to excel themselves until they attained their goal. AN.iii.214ff.

During the time of Kassapa Buddha, the Bodhisatta was a brahmin youth named Jotipāla who, afterwards, coming under the influence of Ghaṭīkāra, became a monk. DN.ii.7 DN.iii.196 This Ghaṭīkāra was later born in the Brahma-world and visited Gotama, after his Enlightenment. Gotama then reminded him of this past friendship, which Ghaṭīkāra seemed too modest to mention. SN.i.34f.

The Majjhima Nikāya MN.ii.45f. gives details of the earnestness with which Ghaṭīkāra worked for Jotipāla’s conversion when Kassapa was living at Vehaliṅga. The same sutta bears evidence of the great regard Kassapa had for Ghaṭīkāra.


A monk whose admonition by his mother is recorded in the Theragāthā. Thag.82


A devaputta. He visited the Buddha late one night at Jetavana and uttered several stanzas, admonishing monks to train themselves in their tasks, laying particular stress on the cultivation of Jhāna. SN.i.46


One of the famous sages of yore, of whom ten are several times mentioned in the books DN.i.104 DN.i.238 MN.ii.169 MN.ii.200 AN.iii.224 DN.i.1041 as having been brahmin sages, who composed and promulgated the mantras and whose compositions are chanted and repeated and rehearsed by the brahmins of the present day. For details see Aṭṭhaka.


See also Acela Kassapa, Uruvelā Kassapa, Kumāra°, Gayā°, Dasabala°, Nadī°, Nārada°, Pūraṇa°, Mahā° and Lomasa°.

Kassapa was evidently a well-known gotta name and people born in a family bearing that name were often addressed as Kassapa—e.g., Uruvelā-Kassapa or Nāgita Thera. DN.i.151