

An arahant, chief of the Buddha’s women disciples for her great wisdom. AN.i.25 Her Therīgāthā verses depict her being described as beautiful, but rejecting the pleasures of the senses. Thig.139–144

Once when Khemā was at Toraṇavatthu, between Sāvatthī and Sāketa, Pasenadi, who happened to spend one night there, heard of her presence and went to see her. He questioned her as to whether or not the Buddha existed after death. She explained the matter to him in various ways, and Pasenadi, delighted with her exposition, related it to the Buddha. SN.iv.374ff. She is mentioned in several places AN.i.88 AN.ii.164 AN.iv.347 SN.ii.236 as the highest ideal of womanhood worthy of imitation, and is described as the nun par excellence.