One of the republican clans in the time of the Buddha. The Koḷiyā owned two chief settlements—one at Rāmagāma and the other at Devadaha.
Attached probably to the Koliyan central authorities, was a special body of officials, presumably police, who wore a distinguishing headdress with a drooping crest (lambacūḷakābhaṭā) They bore a bad reputation for extortion and violence. SN.iv.341
Besides the places already mentioned, several other townships of the Koliyans, visited by the Buddha or by his disciples, are mentioned in literature, e.g. Uttara, the residence of the headman Pāṭaliya;. SN.iv.340 Sajjanela, residence of Suppavāsā;. AN.ii.62 Sāpūga, where Ānanda once stayed;. AN.ii.194 Kakkarapatta, where lived Dīghajāṇu; AN.iv.281 and Haliddavasana, residence of the ascetics Puṇṇa Koliyaputta and Seniya. MN.i.387 SN.v.115
After the Buddha’s death the Koliyans of Rāmagāma claimed and obtained one-eighth of the Buddha’s relics, over which they erected a thūpa. DN.ii.167
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