
A group of monks, followers of Mettiya and Bhummajaka forming part of the Chabbaggiyā (Group of Six Monks).

Twice they brought an unfounded charge of breach of morality against Dabba Mallaputta, who seems to have earned their special dislike. Dabba was in charge of the distribution of alms at the ārāma where they stayed, and one day it was their turn to receive alms from a certain householder who had a reputation for providing good food. When, however, the man heard from Dabba that it was the turn of the Mettiyabhummajakā to receive his hospitality, he was much displeased, and ordered his female slave to look after them. The monks were greatly annoyed, and accused Dabba of having slandered them to the householder. They, therefore, persuaded a nun named Mettiyā to go to the Buddha and accuse Dabba of having violated her chastity. The charge was investigated and proved false and the nun expelled from the Order. Vin.ii.76ff. Vin.iii.160ff.

On another occasion, these monks persuaded a Licchavi, named Vaḍḍha, who was their patron and friend, to go to the Buddha and charge Dabba with having had relations with his wife. This, too, was proved false, and other monks refused to accept alms from Vaḍḍha until he had confessed his guilt. Vin.ii.124ff. One day, while descending from Gijjhakūṭa, the Mettiyabhummajakā monks saw a heifer with a she goat and the idea occurred to them of calling the heifer Dabba and the she goat Mettiyā and then of spreading the story that they had seen Dabba mating with Mettiyā. Vin.iii.166ff. Vin.iv.37f.