? only found in one stock phrase, viz. gathita (q.v.) mucchita ajjhopanna with ref. to selfishness, greed bonds of craving. The reading ajjhopanna is the lectio difficilior, but the accredited reading ajjhosāna seems to be clearer and to harmonize better with the cognate ajjhosita & ajjhosāna (n.) in the same context. The confusion between the two is old-standing and hard to be accounted for. Trenckner under variant reading to MN.i.162 on p. 543 gives ajjhopanna as BB (= adhi-opanna). The MSS. of Nd ii.clearly show ajjhopanna as inferior reading, which may well be attributable to the very frequent SS substitution of p for s (see Nd ii.Introd. xix.). Besides this mixture of vv.ll. with s and p there is another confusion between the vv.ll. ajjhāpanna and ajjhopanna which adds to the complication of the case. However since the evidence of a better reading between these two preponderates for ajjhopanna we may consider the o as established and, with a little more clearness to be desired, may in the end decide for ajjhosāna (q.v.), which in this case would have been liable to change through analogy with ajjhāpanna, from which it took the ā and p. Cp. also ajjhosita. The foll. is a synopsis of readings as preferred or confused by the Ed. of the var. texts.
- ajjhopanna as T. reading: MN.i.162, MN.i.173, MN.i.369; AN.i.74; AN.ii.28 AN.iii.68, AN.iii.242; Mnd 75, Mnd.76; DN-a.i.59; as variant reading: DN.i.245.
- ajjhosāna as variant reading: AN.i.74 (C. explains ajjhosāya gilitvā ṭhita); Nd ii.under nissita & passim; Ud.75, Ud.76 (ajjhosanna); DN-a.i.59 (id.).
- ajjhāpanna as T. reading DN.i.245; DN.iii.43, DN.iii.46; SN.ii.194, SN.ii.270: SN.iv.332 (ajjhapaṇṇa) AN.v.178, AN.v.181; Nd ii.under nissita; Mil.401; as variant reading MN.i.162; AN.iii.242; Ud.75, Ud.76.