or feminine? the moon. By itself only in similes at Dhp.208 Dhp.387 (at end of pada) & in “abbhā mutto va candimā MN.ii.104 = Dhp.172 = Thag.871; Dhp.382 = Thag.873; Pts.i.175
■ Otherwise only in combination with suriya moon & sun, DN.i.240; DN.ii.12; DN.iii.85 sq., DN.iii.90, DN.iii.112; SN.ii.266 SN.v.264 sq.; AN.i.227; AN.ii.53, AN.ii.130; AN.v.59; Vv.30; Ja.ii.213; Mil.191; Vism.153. Also in cpd. candimāpabhā the light of the moon (thus BB, whereas SS read at all passages candiyā˚ or candiya-pabhā) SN.iii.156 = SN.v.44; Iti.20.
Sk. candramas m. & candrimā f., cp. pūrṇimā; a cpd. of canda + mā, cp. māsa. The Pāli form, however, is based on a supposed derivation fr canda + mant, like bhagavā, and is most likely m. On this formation cp. Lat. lumen = Sk. rukmān luminous shiny