
  1. a jar, vessel, pot Ja.i.199; Ja.i.302 (pānīya˚); Ja.iii.277 (madhu˚ honey jar); Dhp-a.i.394 (tela oil tank); Vv-a.76 (sālibhatta˚ holding a meal of rice).
  2. a measure of capacity Ja.ii.404; Ja.iv.343.
  3. a large vessel of the tank type used for living in Vin.i.153.
  • -pañjara a cage made of, or of the form of a large earthen jar, wherein a man could lie in ambush Ja.v.372, Ja.v.385;
  • -pāla (nt.) an earthenware shield (? Ja.v.373 (= kīṭa).

cp. Hindī cāṭā