- the unlucky die (see akkha); “the dice were seeds of a tree called the vibhītaka… An extra seed was called the kali” (Dial. ii.368 n. DN.ii.349; Ja.i.380; Dhp.252 (= Dhp-a.iii.375) at Ja.vi.228 Ja.vi.282, Ja.vi.357 it is opposed to kaṭa, q.v.
- (= kaliggaha an unlucky throw at dice, bad luck, symbolically as a piece of bad luck in a general worldly sense or bad quality demerit, sin (in moral sense) kaliṃ vicināti “gathers up demerit” Snp.658; appamatto kali… akkhesu dhanaparājayo… mahantataro kali yo sugatesu manam padosaye SN.i.149 = AN.ii.3 = AN.v.171, AN.v.174 = Snp.659 = Ne.132; cp. MN.iii.170; AN.v.324; Dhp.202 (= Dhp-a.iii.261 aparādha).
- the last of the 4 ages of the world (see ˚*yuga*).
- sinful, a sinner Snp.664 (= pāpaka).
- saliva, spittle, froth (cp. kheḷa) Thig.458, Thig.501; Ja.v.134.
- -(g)gaha the unlucky throw at dice, the losing throw symbolically bad luck, evil consequence in worldly moral sense (ubhayattha k˚ faring badly in both worlds MN.i.403 = MN.i.406; MN.iii.170 (in simile). See kaṭaggaha
- -devatā (m. pl.) the devotees of kali, the followers of the goddess kali Mil.191 (see Mil trsl. i.266 n.)
- -(p)piya one who is fond of cheating at dice, a gambler Pgdp.68;
- -yuga (nt.) one of the 4 (or 8) ages of the world, the age of vice, misery and bad luck; it is the age in which we are Sāsv.4, Sāsv.44, Vin.i.281;
- -sāsana (nt. in ˚ṃ āropeti to find fault with others Vin.iv.93, Vin.iv.360.
cp. Sk. kali