
  1. the panels of the door, the door proper, not the aperture Vin.ii.114, Vin.ii.120, Vin.ii.207, Vin.ii.208 (see Vin.ii.148 for the description of a door), Vin.iv.269, Vin.iv.304 (˚baddha = āvasatha); Ja.i.19; Cnd.235#1d; Vism.28 (˚koṇa door-corner).
  2. dvāra˚; a door-post Ja.i.63; Ja.ii.334; Pv-a.280.
  3. a window Mhvs.ix.17
    ■ ˚ṃ paṇāmeti to open the door Vin.ii.114, Vin.ii.120, Vin.ii.207; ˚ṃ ākoṭeti to knock at the door DN.i.88 (= DN-a.i.252); Vin.ii.208
    akavāṭaka (adj.) having no doors, doorless Vin.ii.148, Vin.ii.154 (variant reading for akkavāta Text).
  • -piṭṭha the panels and posts of a door; the door and the door-posts Vin.i.47, Vin.i.48 = Vin.ii.208, Vin.ii.218;
  • -baddha “door-bound,” closed, secure Vin.iv.292 (see also above).