the top sprout of a plant or tree, esp. of the bamboo and cert. palm trees (e.g. coco-nut tree) which is edible Snp.38 (vaṃsa˚ = veḷugumba Cnd.556 and p. 58) Thag.72; Ja.i.74, cp. Ja.iii.179; Ja.vi.26; Mil.201 (vaṃsa˚) Vism.255 (vaṃsa˚-cakkalaka, so read for kalira˚ Kp-a.50 at id. passage reads kaḷīra-daṇḍa).
- -(a)chejja (nt.) “the cutting off of the sprout,” a kind of torture Mil.193, cp. Miln. trsl. i.270 and kadalīccheda.