
adjective (a) patient, forgiving. (b) enduring, bearing, hardened to (frost & heat, e.g.), fit for.

  1. kh. belongs to the lovable attributes of a bhikkhu (kh. rūpānaṃ, saddānaṃ, etc.; indulgent as regards sights, sounds, etc.) AN.iii.113 = AN.iii.138; the same applied to the king’s horse AN.iii.282. Khamā paṭipadā the way of gentleness (and opp. akkhamā), viz. akkosantaṃ na paccakosati “not to shout back at him who shouts at you” AN.ii.152 sq.; cp. Ne.77; classified under the four paṭipadā at DN.iii.229. In combn. w vacana of meek, gentle speech, in vattā vacana˚ a speaker of good & meek words SN.i.63; SN.ii.282; Mil.380 cp. suvaco khamo AN.v.24 sq., forgiving Mil.207.
  2. khamo sītassa uṇhassa, etc., enduring frost & heat AN.iii.389 = AN.v.132; addhāna˚ padhāna˚ (fit for) AN.iii.30 ranga˚, anuyoga˚, vimajjana˚ MN.i.385
    akkhama (adj.) impatient, intolerant, in combination dubbaca dovacassa karaṇehi dhammehi samannāgata SN.ii.204 sq. AN.ii.147 sq. With ref. to rūpa, saddā, etc. (see also above), of an elephant AN.iii.156 sq.
    ■ DN.iii.229; Sdhp.95.

fr. kṣam