
(kud-and kum-) 3rd stem of interrog. pron. ka (on form and meaning cp. kad; = Lat.* qṷu in (qṷ)ubi, like katara

  1. Kuto where from? whence? Dhp.62; k˚bhayaṃ whence i.e. why fear? Dhp.212 sq.; Snp.270, Snp.862; Pv.ii.6#9; how? Ja.vi.330; with nu whence or why then Snp.1049 (= kacci ssu Cnd. s.v.). kut-ettha = kuto ettha Ja.i.53
    ■ na kuto from nowhere Snp.35, Snp.919; a-kuto id in akutobhaya “with nothing to fear from anywhere i.e. with no reason for fear SN.i.192; Thag.510; Thig.333; Snp.561 (modāmi akutobhayo); Pv.ii.1#21 (id.) kuto-ja arisen from where? Snp.270
    ■ ˚nidāna having its foundation or origin in what? Snp.270, Snp.864 sq.
  2. Kudā at what time, when? (cp. kadā) Pp.27 indef. kudācanaṃ: at any time, na k˚ never Snp.221 (expl. by soḷasim pi kalaṃ Snp-a.277); Dhp.5, Dhp.210; Bdhd 125; gamanena na pattabbo lokass’ anto k˚ “by walking, the end of the world can never be reached” SN.i.62.
  3. Kuva, kva, where? Snp.970 (kuvaṃ & kuva) indef kvaci anywhere; with na: nowhere; yassa n’atthi upamā kvaci “of whom (i.e. of Gotama) there is no likeness anywhere” Snp.1137; cp. Snp.218, Snp.395; explained by Nd ii.like kuhiñci. kuvaṃ at DN.iii.183.
  4. Kutha (kudha) where? Ja.v.485 (= kuhiṃ).
  5. Kuhiṃ (= kuhaṃ, cp. Sk. kuha) where? whither Often with fut.: k˚ bhikkhu gamissati Snp.411; ko gacchasi where are you going? Pv.ii.8#1; tvaṃ ettakaṃ divasaṃ k˚ gatā where have you been all these days Pv-a.6; Pv-a.13; Pv-a.42; indef. kuhiñci, anywhere, with na k˚ nowhere, or: not in anything, in: n’atthi taṇhā k˚ loke “he has no desire for anything in this world” Snp.496 Snp.783, Snp.1048 see Nd on 783 & 1048 = kimhici; Dhp.180.