- bad doing, misconduct, bad character. Def. kucchitaṃ kataṃ kukataṃ tassa bhāvo kukkuccaṃ Vism.470 & Bdhd 24
■ Various explanations in Nd ii.on Snp.1106 = Dhs.1160, in its literal sense it is bad behaviour with hands and feet (hattha-pada˚ Ja.i.119 = DN-a.i.42 (in combination with ukkāsita & khipitasadda); hattha˚ alone Ja.ii.142. - remorse, scruple worry. In this sense often with vippaṭissāra; and in conn. w. uddhacca it is the fourth of the five nīvaraṇas (q.v.) Vin.i.49; Vin.iv.70; DN.i.246; SN.i.99; MN.i.437; AN.i.134 = Snp.1106; AN.i.282; Snp.925; Cnd.379; Dhp-a.iii.483; Dhp-a.iv.88; Sdhp.459; Bdhd 96
■ na kiñci k˚ṃ na koci vippaṭissāreti “has nobody any remorse?” SN.iii.120 = SN.iv.46. The dispelling of scrupulousness is one of the duties and virtues of a muni: k˚ṃ vinodetuṃ AN.v.72; k. pahāya DN.i.71 = AN.ii.210 = Pp.59; chinnakukkucca (adj.) free from remorse MN.i.108; khīṇāsava k˚-vūpasanta SN.i.167 = Snp.82
■ akukkucca (adj.) free from worry, having no remorse Snp.850. Kukkuccaṃ kurute (c. gen.) to be scrupulous about Ja.i.377; kariṃsu Dhp-a.iv.88; cp. kukkuccaṃ āpajjati (expl. by sankati Ja.iii.66.