
Macchariya & Macchera

neuter avarice, stinginess, selfishness, envy; one of the principal evil passions & the maịn cause of rebirth in the Petaloka

  1. macchariya: AN.i.95, AN.i.299; AN.iii.272; Dhp.iii.44 (issā˚), Dhp.iii.289; Snp.863 (˚yutta), Snp.928; Pp.19, Pp.23; Vb.357, Vb.389, Vb.391
    ■ Five sorts of selfishness are mentioned āvāsa˚, kula˚, lābha˚, vaṇṇa˚, dhamma˚; DN.iii.234 Mnd.118, Mnd.227; AN.iv.456; Dhs.1122 (cp. Dhs tsrl.2 p. 276) Vism.683; Dhs-a.373, Dhs-a.374. Selfishness is one of the evil conditions which have to be renounced as habits of mind by force of intelligence AN.v.40, AN.v.209; Mil.289; Pv-a.87, Pv-a.124.
  2. macchera AN.i.105 (˚mala), AN.i.281; Dhp.242; Iti.18; Mnd.260; Sdhp.313, Sdhp.510. At AN.ii.58 and elsewhere the state called vigata-mala-macchera “with the stain of avarice vanished,” is freq. mentioned as a feature of the blameless life and a preparation for Arahantship
    Note. The (etym.) expln of macchariya at Vb-a.513 is rather interesting: “idaṃ acchariyaṃ mayhaṃ eva hotu, mā aññassa acchariyaṃ hotū ti pavattattā macchariyan ti vuccati” (from the Purāṇas).

cp. Epic Sk. mātsarya