
  1. worthiness, venerableness Mil.357.
  2. a (religious) festival (in honour of a Saint, as an act of worship) Mhvs.33, Mhvs.26 (vihārassa mahamhi, loc.); Vv-a.170 (thūpe ca mahe kate), Vv-a.200 (id.). mahā˚; a great festival Mhvs.5, Mhvs.94. bodhi˚; festival of the Bo tree Ja.iv.229. vihāra˚; festival held on the building of a monastery Ja.i.94; Vv-a.188. hatthi˚; a festival called the elephant f. Ja.iv.95.

fr.; mah, see mahati & cp. Vedic nt. mahas