the head, fig. top, summit Ja.iii.206 = Ja.iv.4; Ja.iv.173, Ja.iv.457; Ja.v.478; DN-a.i.226 (pabbata˚); Pv.iv.16#3; Dhp-a.i.184. matthaka-matthakena (from end to end) Ja.i.202; Ja.iii.304. Loc. matthake as adv. 1 at the head Dhp-a.i.109; 2 at the distance of (-˚) Dhp-a.i.367; 3 on top of (-˚) Ja.v.163 (vammīka˚); Mhvs.23, Mhvs.80 (sīsa˚); Yugandhara˚ Mil.6; Dhp-a.ii.3 (uddhana˚).
- -āsin sitting on top (of the mountain) (= pabbata-matthake nisinna C.; gloss matta-kāsin i.e. wildly in love, explained by kāma-mada-matta). The reading is not clear.
- -tela oil for the head Kp-a.64 (= muddhani tela Vism.262).
cp. mattha