
adjective noun

  1. mixed, combined Ja.ii.8 (phalika˚ rajata-pabbata mountain of silver mixed with crystal); Vb-a.16 (lokiya-lokuttara˚); usually ˚-, like -āhāra mixed food Dhp-a.ii.101; -uppāda mixed portents, a main chapter of the art of prognosticating (cp. Bṛhat-Saṃhitā ch. 86: miśrak’ âdhyāya) Mil.178 -bhatta = ˚āhāra Snp-a.97; Mhbv.27.
  2. (m.) an attendant follower; f. missikā Dhp-a.i.211 (Sāmāvati˚).
  3. (nt.) Name of a pleasure grove in heaven (lit. the grove of bodily union), one of the 3: Nandana, M., Phārusaka Ja.vi.278; Vism.424.
  4. (pl. missakā) a group of devas mentioned at DN.ii.260 in list of popular gods (cp. missa 2 and missakesī).

fr. missa