having forgotten, one who forgets; only in two compounds, viz. -sacca [der. fr. foll. muṭṭha + sati + ya] forgetfulness, lit. forgotten-mindedness, usually combined with asampajañña, DN.iii.213; AN.v.149; Pp.21; Dhs.1349 (where read: yā asati ananussati… adhāraṇatā pilāpanatā sammussanatā) Vb.360, Vb.373; Vism.21; Dhp-a.iv.85; & -sati(n) (adj. “forgetful in mindfulness,” i.e. forgetful, careless bewildered [cp. BSk. amuṣitasmṛti Lal.562, to all appearance (wrongly) derived from P. musati to rob mus, muṣṇāti] DN.iii.252, DN.iii.282; SN.i.61 (+ asampajāna) Pp.21, Pp.35 (neither passage explained in PugA!); Ja.iii.488 Vb-a.275. As -satika at Mil.79
■ Note. muṭṭhasati with var. (unsuccessful) etym. is discussed in detail also by Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, pp. 92–94.
pp. of mussati, mṛṣ