okkamati FIXME double
lit. to enter, go down into, fall into. fig. to come on, to develop, to appear in (of a subjective state). It is strange that this important word has been so much misunderstood, for the English idiom is the same. We say ʻhe went to sleep’, without meaning that he went anywhere. So we may twist it round and say that ʻsleep overcame him’, without meaning any struggle. The two phrases mean exactly the same an internal change, or development, culminating in sleep. So in Pali niddā okkami sleep fell upon him, Vin.i.15 niddaṃ okkami he fell on sleep, asleep, Dhp-a.i.9; Pv-a.47 At Iti.76 we hear that a dullness developed (dubbaṇṇiyaṃ okkami) on the body of a god, he lost his radiance. At DN.ii.12; MN.iii.119 a god, on his rebirth, entered his new mother’s womb (kucchiṃ okkami). At DN.ii.63 occurs the question ʻif consciousness were not to develop in the womb?’ (viññāṇaṃ na okkamissatha) SN.v.283 ʻabiding in the sense of bliss’ (sukha-saññaṃ okkamitvā). See also Pp.13 = Pp.28 (niyāma okk˚, ʻhe enters on the Path’). Caus. okkāmeti to make enter, to bring to SN.iv.312 (saggaṃ)
pp okkanta. See also avakkamati.
o + kamati fr. kram