“complete Nibbāna” in two meanings:
- complete extinction of khandhalife; i.e. all possibility of such life & its rebirth, final release from (the misery of) rebirth and transmigration death (after the last life-span of an Arahant). This is the so-called “an-upādi-sesa Parinibbāna,” or “extinction with no rebirth-substratum left.”
- release from cravings & attachment to life, emancipation (in this life) with the assurance of final death; freedom of spirit, calm, perfect well-being or peace of soul. This is the so-called “sa-upādisesa-P.,” or “extinction (of passion) with some substratum left.”-The two kinds are distinguished by Bdhgh at Dhp-a.ii.163 as follows “arahatta-pattito paṭṭhāya kilesa-vaṭṭassa khepitattā sa-upādi-sesena, carima-citta-nirodhena khandhavaṭṭassa khepitattā an-upādi-sesena cā ti dvīhi pi parinibbānehi parinibbutā, an-upādāno viya padīpo apaṇṇattika-bhāvaṃ gatā.”
- DN.ii.72 sq. (the famous Mahā-parinibbāna-suttanta or “Book of the Great Decease”); MN.iii.127, MN.iii.128; AN.ii.79 (˚samaye), AN.iii.409 (˚dhamma, contrasted with āpāyika nerayika cp. Dhp-a.iv.42); Mhvs.7, Mhvs.1 (˚mañcamhi nipanna); Vv-a.158; Pv-a.244.
- DN.iii.55; AN.v.64; Snp.514 (˚gata vitiṇṇa-kankho); Vv.53#24 (˚gata + sītibhūta). This state of final emancipation (during life) has also received the determination of anupādā-parinibbāna, i.e. emancipation without ground. for further clinging (lit without fuel), which corresponds to Bdhgh’s term “kilesavaṭṭassa khepitattā sa-upādi-sesa p.” (see above) thus at MN.i.148; SN.iv.48; SN.v.29; AN.i.44; AN.v.65 (nicchāto nibbuto sītibhūto etc).; AN.v.233 = AN.v.253 = Dhp.89 (+ khīṇāsava).
pari + nibbāna