? repetition, succession, formula way of saying, phrase (= pariyāya 5) Vism.46 (˚mukha beginning of discourse), Vism.351 (id. and bahu˚-tanti having many discourses or repetitions), Vism.411 (˚pāḷi a row of successions or etceteras); Vv-a.117 (pāḷi˚ vasena “because of the successive Pāli text”)
■ Very freq. in abridged form, where we would say “etc.,” to indicate that a passage has be to repeated (either from preceding context, or to be supplied from memory, if well known) The literal meaning would be “here (follows) the formula (pariyāya).” We often find pa for pe, e.g. AN.v.242, AN.v.270, AN.v.338, AN.v.339, AN.v.355; sometimes pa + pe combined e.g. SN.v.466
■ As pe is the first syllable of peyyāla so la is the last and is used in the same sense; the variance is according to predilection of certain MSS.; la is found e.g. SN.v.448, SN.v.267 sq.; or as variant reading of pe: AN.v.242, AN.v.243 AN.v.354; or la + pe combined: SN.v.464, SN.v.466
■ On syllable pe Trenckner, Notes 66, says: “The sign of abridgment pe, or as it is written in Burmese copies, pa, means peyyāla which is not an imperative ʻinsert, fill up the gap,’ but a substantive, peyyālo or peyyālaṃ, signifying a phrase to be repeated over & over again. I consider it a popular corruption of the synonymous pariyāya, passing through *payyāya, with-eyy-for-ayy-, like seyyā, Sk. śayyā.” See also Vin. Texts i.291; Oldenberg, K.Z. 35, 324.
a Māgadhism for pariyāya, so Kern,
s. v. after Trenckner, cp. BSk. piyāla and peyāla Mvu.iii.202, Mvu.iii.219