Rahas & Raho
neuter lonely place, solitude, loneliness; secrecy, privacy.
- raho: occurring only as adv. “secretly, lonely, in secret,” either absolutely, e.g. SN.i.46; Snp.388; Pv.ii.7#16 (opp. āvi openly); Pv.iv.1#40 (raho nisinna); Vism.201 (na raho karoti pāpāni arahaṃ tena vuccati); or in compounds e.g. -gata being in private, being alone DN.i.134 (+ paṭisallīna); Snp.p.60 See also under paṭisallīna; -gama “secret convention secret intercourse,” fig. a secret adviser Ja.vi.369 (after Kern, not found!); -vāda secret talk MN.iii.230. See also anu˚.
- rahā˚; only in cpd. rahā-bhāva secrecy in defn of arahant at DN-a.i.146 = Vism.201 (rahābhāvena ten’ esa arahan ti). See also der. rāha-seyyaka. Note. Hardy’s reading yathā rahaṃ at Pv.ii.9#23 & Pv-a.78 is not correct, it should be yath’ ârahaṃ (cp. similarly pūj-âraha). In the same sense we would preferably read agg’ āsan’ ādi-arahānaṃ “of those who merit the first seat etc.” at Ja.i.217, although all MSS. have aggāsanādi-rahānaṃ, thus postulating a form raha = araha.
Vedic rahas. The Pāli word is restricted to the forms raho and rahā˚; (= *rahaḥ); a loc. rahasi is mentioned by Childers, but not found in the Canon
■ To rahati