to rise up, to originate; pres. samuṭṭhāti Vin.v.1; aor. samuṭṭhahi Mhvs.28 Mhvs.16
pp samuṭṭhita
caus samuṭṭhāpeti to raise to originate, set on foot Ja.i.144, Ja.i.191, Ja.i.318.
saṃ + uṭṭhahati
to rise up, to originate; pres. samuṭṭhāti Vin.v.1; aor. samuṭṭhahi Mhvs.28 Mhvs.16
pp samuṭṭhita
caus samuṭṭhāpeti to raise to originate, set on foot Ja.i.144, Ja.i.191, Ja.i.318.
saṃ + uṭṭhahati