
  1. to collect, fold up Vin.i.46; Vin.ii.117, Vin.ii.150; MN.iii.169; Ja.i.66, Ja.i.422; Dāvs iv.12; Pv-a.73
  2. to draw together Vin.ii.217.
  3. to gather up, take up Snp-a.369 (rūpaṃ).
  4. to heap up Pv.iv.14 (saṃharimha = sañcinimha Pv-a.279)

asaṃhāriya (grd.) which cannot be destroyed (see also saṃhīra) SN.v.219.
caus 2 -harāpeti to cause to collect, to make gather or grow Vin.iv.259 (lomāni), Vin.iv.260 (id.)
pass saṃhīrati (q.v.)
pp saṃhata. Cp. upa˚.

saṃ + harati