adjective doing service, active, busy; eager, keen intent on (loc.), busy with AN.iv.195 (mayi = worrying about me); Ja.iii.315 (su˚); Ja.iv.371 (kiccâkiccesu v. uyyatta C.); Ja.v.395 (= ussukka); Ja.vi.229 (= kāya-veyyāvacca-dān’ ādi-kamma-karaṇena vyāvaṭa C.)
■ dassana˚; keen on a sight, eager to see Ja.i.89; Vv-a.213 (preferred to T. reading!)
■ dāna˚; serving in connection with a gift, busy with giving, a “commissioner of gifts,” i.e. a superintendent installed by a higher (rich) person (as a king or seṭṭhi) to look after the distribution of all kinds of gifts in connection with a mahādāna. Rh Davids at
Dialogues of the Buddha
ii.372 (following Childers) has quite misunderstood the term in referring it to a vyāvaṭa in meaning of “hindered,” and by translating it as “hindered at the largesse” or “objecting to the largesse. At none of the passages quoted by him has it that meaning ‣See e.g. DN.ii.354 Ja.iii.129 Pv.ii.9#50 (dāne v. = ussukkaṁ āpanna Pv-a.135) Pv-a.112 (dāne), Pv-a.124 (identical) DN-a.i.296 (? not found). avyāvaṭa not busy, not bothering about (locative), unconcerned with, not worrying DN.ii.141 (Tathāgatassa sarīre; translation not to the point “hinder not yourselves”) Vin.iii.136 ‣See also separately.
■ Note. vyāvaṭa (& a˚); only occur in the meaning given above, and not in the sense of “covered obstructed” [wrongly fr. vṛ; ] as given by Childers Correct the translation given under byāvaṭa accordingly!
= Sk. vyāpṛta, cp. vyāpāra, byappatha. & veyyāvacca