to sacrifice, to make an offering (yaññaṃ); to give alms or gifts-In the P. literature it refers (with yañña, sacrifice) either (when critical) to the Brahmanic rites of sacrificing to the gods according to the rules initiated in the Vedas & Vedic literature; or (when dogmatical) to the giving of alms to the bhikkhu. In the latter sense it implies liberal donation of all the necessities of a bhikkhu ‣See enumerated under yañña. The latter use is by far the more frequent.
■ The construction is with the acc. of the deity honoured and the instr. of the gift
pres yajati DN.i.139; AN.i.168; AN.ii.43, AN.ii.44; Snp.505, Snp.509; DN-a.i.160
ppr yajanto DN.i.52; MN.i.404; Mil.21; gen pl. yajataṃ Snp.569 (= Vin.i.246, where reading is jayataṃ)
ppr med. yajamāna DN.i.138 (mahayaññaṃ); Snp.506; SN.i.233; Ja.vi.502, Ja.vi.505
imper 3rd sg. yajatu DN-a.i.297; med. yajataṃ DN.i.138 (= detu bhavaṃ DN-a.i.300). 2nd sg. yajāhi Ja.iii.519; Pv-a.280 and perhaps at Pv.ii.1#6 (for T. yāhi). 2nd med. yajassu Snp.302, Snp.506; Ja.v.488 (yaññaṃ), Ja.v.490 (id.)-Pot. 1st sg yajeyyaṃ DN.i.134; 3rd pl. yajeyyuṃ Ja.vi.211, Ja.vi.215 3rd sg. med. yajetha Dhp.106 (māse māse sahassena yo y. = dānaṃ dadeyya Dhp-a.ii.231), Dhp.108; Iti.98; AN.ii.43; Snp.463
fut 2nd sg. yajissasi Ja.iii.515; 1st sg yajissāmi Ja.vi.527 (pantha-sakuṇaṃ tuyhaṃ maṃsena) 3rd pl. yajissanti Ja.iv.184; 1st pl. yajissāma Ja.vi.132. aor. 1st sg. yajiṃ Thag.341; 3rd sg. ayajī Iti.102; yaji Mil.219, Mil.221
inf yajituṃ Mil.220; yiṭṭhuṃ DN.i.138 (yiṭṭhu-kāma wishing to sacrifice), and yaṭṭhuṃ in -kāma DN.ii.244; Snp.461
ger yajitvā DN.i.143; AN.ii.44; Snp.509; Ja.vi.137 (puttehi), Ja.vi.202; Pv.ii.9#56 (datvā + , i.e. spending liberally; cp. Pv-a.136); yajitvāna Snp.303, Snp.979
grd yajitabba Ja.vi.133 (sabbacatukkena)
pp yajita & yiṭṭha;
caus 1 yājeti Caus. ii. yajāpeti (q.v.).
yaj, cp. Vedic yajati, yajus, Yajur-veda. To Av. yaƶaitē to sacrifice, Gr. α ̔́ζομαι to revere, worship On etym. cp. also Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. aestimo
■ The Dhtp (62) defines root by “deva-pūjā, sangati-karaṇa dānesu,” i.e. “said of deva-worship, of assembling and of gifts.” Similarly Dhtm.79