
the sun SN.i.15, SN.i.47; SN.ii.284; SN.iii.156; SN.v.44, SN.v.101; AN.i.242; AN.v.22, AN.v.263, AN.v.266 sq.; Iti.85; Snp.550 Snp.569, Snp.1097 (“ādicco vuccati suriyo” Cnd.125); Dhp-a.iv.143; Sdhp.14, Sdhp.17, Sdhp.40.

  • -upaṭṭhānā sun-worship DN.i.11 (= jīvikatthāya ādiccaparicariyā DN-a.i.97); Ja.ii.72 (˚jātaka; ādiccaṃ upatiṭṭhati Ja.ii.73 = suriyaṃ namassamāno tiṭṭhati C.).
  • -patha the path of the sun, i.e. the sky, the heavens Dhp.175 (ākāsa Dhp-a.iii.177).
  • -bandhu “kinsman of the sun”, Ep of the Buddha Vin.ii.296; SN.i.186, SN.i.192; AN.ii.54; Snp.54 Snp.915, Snp.1128; Mnd.341; Cnd.125#b; Vv.42#5, Vv.78#10 ; Vv-a.116.

Vedic āditya