adjective ill, sick, diseased; miserable, affected SN.iii.1 (˚kāya); AN.i.250; Snp.331; Vv.83#14 (˚rūpa = abhitunna-kāya Vv-a.328); Ja.i.197 (˚anna “food of the miserable”, i.e. last meal of one going to be killed; C. explains as maraṇabhojana), Ja.i.211 (˚citta); Ja.ii.420 (˚anna, as above); Ja.iii.201, Ja.v.90, Ja.v.433; Ja.vi.248; Mil.139, Mil.168; Dhp-a.i.31 (˚rūpa) Pv-a.160, Pv-a.161; Vv-a.77; Sdhp.507. Used by Commentators as syn. of aṭṭo, e.g. at Ja.iv.293; Snp-a.489. -anātura healthy, well, in good condition SN.iii.1; Dhp.198.
Sk. ātura, cp. BSk. ātura, e.g. Jtm.31#70