
orig. a sharp stone as hurling-weapon thence in mythol. Indra’s thunderbolt thunder-clap, lightning Ja.i.71, Ja.i.167; Ja.ii.154; Ja.iii.323; Mil.277; Vv-a.83.

  • -aggi the fire of thunder, i.e. lightning or fire caused by lightning Dhp-a.iii.71.
  • -pāta the falling of the thunderbolt thunderclap, lightning DN-a.i.280 (or should we read asannipāta?); Pv-a.45.
  • -vicakka same as ˚pāta (?) SN.ii.229 (= lābha-sakkāra-silokassa adhivacana); DN.iii.44, DN.iii.47. Asantasam & anto;

Vedic aśani in same meaning; with Sk. aśri corner, caturaśra four cornered (see assa), to Lat. ācer pointed, sharp, Gr. α ̓́κρος pointed, Ags. egl sting, Ohg ekka corner, point. Connected with this is Sk. aśan (see asana1). Cp. also aṃsa & asama2