- the shoulder AN.v.110; Snp.609. aṃse karoti to put on the shoulder, to shoulder Ja.i.9.
- a part (lit. side) (cp. ˚āsa in koṭṭhāsa and expln of aṃsa as koṭṭhāsa at DN-a.i.312, also variant reading mettāsa for mettaṃsa at Iti.22)
■ atīt’aṃse in former times, formerly DN.ii.224 Thig.314. mettaṃsa sharing friendship (with) AN.iv.151 = Iti.22 = Ja.iv.71 (in which connection Mil.402 reads ahiṃsā)
■ Disjunctive ekena aṃsena… ekena aṃsena on the one hand (side)… on the other, partly… partly AN.i.61. From this: ekaṃsa (adj.) on the one hand (only) i.e. incomplete (opp. ubhayaṃsa) or (as not admitting of a counterpart) definite, certain, without doubt (opp dvidhā): see ekaṃsa
■ paccaṃsena according to each one’s share AN.iii.38. puṭaṃsena with a knapsack for provisions DN.i.117; AN.ii.183; cp. DN-a.i.288, with variant reading puṭosena at both passages.
- -kūṭa “shoulder prominence”, the shoulder Vin.iii.127; Dhp-a.iii.214; Dhp-a.iv.136; Vv-a.121
- -vaṭṭaka a shoulder strap (mostly combined with kāyabandhana; vv.ll. ˚vaddhaka ˚bandhaka) Vin.i.204 (T. ˚bandhaka); Vin.ii.114 (ddh); Vin.iv.170 (ddh); Vv.33#40 (T. ˚bandhana, C. variant reading ˚vaṭṭaka); Dhp-a.iii.452.
Vedic aṃsa; cp. Gr. ̓ ̈ωμος, Lat. umerus, Goth ams, Arm. us
point, corner, edge; frequently in combination with numerals, e.g. catur˚; four-cornered, chaḷ˚, aṭṭh˚ soḷas˚; etc. (q.v.) all at Dhs.617 (cp. Dhs-a.317). In connection with a Vimāna: āyat˚; with wide or protruding capitals (of its pillars) Vv.84#15; as part of a carriage-pole Vv.64#2 (= kubbara-phale patiṭṭhitā heṭṭhima-aṃsā Vv-a.265).
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