
  1. shape, image (= paṭimā Vv-a.168) SN.i.134 (trsl. “puppet”); SN.v.217 (vimba) Ja.v.452. In phrase cittakataṃ bimbaṃ it refers to the human body (“the tricked-out puppet-shape” Brethren 303): MN.ii.64 = Thag.769 = Dhp.147 = Vv-a.47, cp Dhp-a.iii.109 (= attabhāva).
  2. the red fruit of Momordica monadelpha, a species of Amaranth [cp. Sk bimba & bimbī, a kind of gourd] Ja.iii.478;,; Vv.36#6 (kañcana˚-vaṇṇa of the colour of the golden Bimba Dhp. at Vv-a.168 takes it as bimba1 = paṭimā Dhp-a.i.387 (˚phala, with ref. to red lips). bimboṭṭha (f. ˚ī) (having) red lips Ja.iii.477; (nigrodhapatta-bimb’ oṭṭhī) Thag-a.133 (Tha-ap.57). The Sk. vimbī according to Halāyudha 2, 48 is equal to oṣṭhī, a plant (Bryonia grandis?).
  • -oṭṭhi see above 2.
  • -ohana [second part either *ūhana vāhana “carrying,” or contracted form of odahana fr. ava + dhā, i.e. *odhana *ohana “putting down,” or still more likely for ūhana as seen in ūhanati2 2 fr. ud + hṛ; raising, lifting up] a pillow Vin.i.47 (bhisi˚); Vin.ii.76, Vin.ii.150, Vin.ii.208, Vin.ii.200, Vin.ii.218; Vin.iii.90, Vin.iii.119 (bhisi˚), Vin.iv.279; SN.ii.268; AN.iii.240; Vb-a.365; Vism.79. See also bhisi1.
  • -jāla [BR. bimbajā?] the Bimba tree Momordica monadelpha (lit. net of b. fruits) Ja.i.39 (cp. p. 498 ratt’ ankura-rukkhaṃ probably with variant reading to be read ratta-kuravaka˚, see bimbi-jāla) Bv.xvi.19.

cp. Class. Sk. bimba