
  1. to be vexed, to grieve SN.i.308; to vex, grieve Vv.84#46.
  2. to scorn, disdain, to feel contempt for, despise DN.ii.275; Snp.713 (appaṃ dānaṃ na hīḷeyya); Ja.ii.258; DN-a.i.256 (= vambheti); Dhp-a.iv.97; Mil.169 (+ garahati)

pp hīḷita.

Vedic hīḍ or hel to be hostile; cp. Av. ƶēaša awful; Goth. us-geisnan to be terrified. Connected also with hiṃsati
■ The Dhtp (637) defines by “nindā”