- pride, conceit, arrogance (cittassa uṇṇati Mnd.80; Vb.350). Māna is one of the Saññojanas It is one of the principal obstacles to Arahantship A detailed analysis of māna in tenfold aspect is given at Mnd.80 = Cnd.505; ending with defn “māno maññanā… ketukamyatā” etc. (cp. Vb.350 & see under; mada). On term see also Dhs § 1116; Dhs trsl. 298 (= 2275) sq
■ DN.iii.234; SN.i.4; Snp.132, Snp.370; Snp.469 Snp.537, Snp.786, Snp.889, Snp.943, Dhp.74, Dhp.150, Dhp.407; Mnd.298; Pp.18 Vb.345 sq., Vb.353 sq., Vb.383 (7 fold), Vb.389 (9 fold); Vb-a.486 sq. (“seyyo ’ham asmī ti” etc.); Tikp.166, Kp.278; Dhp-a.iii.118, Dhp-a.iii.252; Sdhp.500, Sdhp.539
■ asmi˚; pride of self as real egoism DN.iii.273. - honour, respect Ja.v.331 (+ pūjā). Usually in cpd. bahumāna great respect Mhvs.20, Mhvs.46; Pv-a.50. Also as māni˚; in compound with karoti: see mānikata. Cp. vi˚, sam˚
-ātimāna pride & conceit, very great (self-) pride or all kinds of conceit (see 10 fold māna at Mnd.80 Cnd.505) DN.iii.86; Snp.245, Snp.830, Snp.862; Mnd.170, Mnd.257
-atthe at Thag.214 read mânatthe = mā anatthe
-ānusaya the predisposition or bad tendency of pride MN.i.486; DN.iii.254, DN.iii.282; Snp.342. Cp. mamankāra
-ābhisamaya full grasp (i.e. understanding) of pride (with sammā˚) MN.i.122 (which Kern.
s. v. interprets wrongly as “waanvoorstelling”); SN.iv.205 sq. SN.iv.399; Snp.342 (= mānassa abhisamayo khayo vayo pahānaṃ Snp-a.344).
-jātika proud by nature Ja.i.88
-thaddha stubborn in pride, stiff-necked Ja.i.88, Ja.i.224
-da inspiring respect Mhvs.33, Mhvs.82.
-mada (-matta (drunk with) the intoxicating draught of pride Ja.ii.259; Pv-a.86.
-saññojana the fetter of pride or arrogance DN.iii.254; Dhs.1116 = Dhs.1233. See under saññojana cp. formulae under; mada 2.
-satta cleaving to conceit Snp.473.
-salla the sting or dart of pride Mnd.59 (one of the 7 sallāni, viz. rāga, dosa, moha etc., explained in detail on p.413See other series with similar terms & māna at Cnd p. 237 s. v. rāga).
late Vedic & Epic Sk. māna, fr.; man, orig. meaning perhaps “high opinions” (i.e. No. 2); hence “pride (No. 1). Def. of root see partly under māneti, partly under mināti
- measure Vin.iii.149 (abbhantarima inner, bāhirima outer); DN-a.i.140. -kūṭa cheating in measure, false measure Pp.58; Pv-a.278.
- a certain measure, a Māna (cp. mānikā & manaṃ) Ja.i.468 (aḍḍha˚ half a M. according to C. equal to 8 nāḷis).
fr. mā: see mināti; Vedic māna has 2 meanings, viz. “measure,” and “building” (cp. māpeti)