
  1. a son SN.i.210; Snp.35, Snp.38, Snp.60, Snp.557, Snp.858; Dhp.62, Dhp.84 Dhp.228, Dhp.345; Ja.iv.309; Vism.645 (simile of 3 sons); Pv-a.25, Pv-a.63, Pv-a.73 sq.; DN-a.i.157 (dāsaka˚). Four kinds of sons are distinguished in the old Cy. viz. atraja p., khettaja dinnaka, antevāsika, or born of oneself, born on one’s land, given to one, i.e. adopted, one living with one as a pupil. Thus at Mnd.247; Cnd.448; Ja.i.135. Good and bad sons in regard to lineage are represented at Ja.vi.380
    ■ Metaph. “sons of the Buddha” SN.i.192 Thag.1237 (sabbe Bhagavato puttā); Iti.101 (me tumhe puttā orasā mukhato jātā dhammajā), Ja.iii.211
    ■ The parable of a woman eating her sons is given as a punishment in the Peta condition at Pv.i.6 (& Pv.i.7); pl. puttāni Pv.i.6#3
    ■ aputta-bhāvaṃ karoti to disinherit formally Ja.v.468.
  2. (in general) child, descendant, sometimes pleonastic like E. ˚man, ˚son in names see putta-dāra; so esp. in later literature, like ludda˚ hunter’s son = hunter Ja.ii.154; ayya˚ = ayya, i.e. gentleman, lord Ja.v.94; Pv-a.66. See also rāja˚
    ■ Of a girl Thig.464
    ■ mātucchā˚ & mātula˚ cousin (from mother’s side), pitucchā˚ id (fr. father’s side). On putta in N. Pāṭali˚ see puṭa
    ■ f. puttī see rāja˚.
  • -jīva Name of a tree: Putranjiva Roxburghii Ja.vi.530
  • -dāra child & wife (i.e. wife & children, family) DN.iii.66 DN.iii.189, DN.iii.192; SN.i.92; AN.ii.67; Pv.iv.3#48 (sa˚ together with his family); Ja.iii.467 (kiṃ ˚ena what shall I do with a family?); Ja.v.478. They are hindrances to the development of spiritual life: see Nd ii.under āsiṃsanti & palibodha;
  • -phala a son as fruit (of the womb) Ja.v.330
  • -maṃsa the flesh of one’s children (sons) a metaphor probably distorted fr. pūta˚; rotten flesh. The metaphor is often alluded to in the kasiṇa-kammaṭṭhāna, and usually coupled with the akkha-bbhañjana (& vaṇapaticchādana)-simile, e.g. Vism.32, Vism.45; Dhp-a.i.375; Snp-a.58, Snp-a.342. Besides at SN.ii.98 (in full); Thag.445 (˚ūpamā); Thag.2, Thag.221.
  • -mata a woman whose sons (children are dead MN.i.524.

Vedic putra, Idg. *putlo = Lat. pullus (*putslos) young of an animal, fr. pōu, cp. Gr. παυς, παίς child Lat. puer, pubes, Av. pupra, Lith. putýtis (young animal or bird), Cymr. wyr grandchild; also Sk. pota(ka young animal and base pu-in pumaṃs, puṃs “man”.