
boundary, limit, parish Vin.i.106 sq., Vin.i.309, Vin.i.340; Mnd.99 (four); Dhp-a.iv.115 (mālaka˚); antosīmaṃ within the boundary Vin.i.132, Vin.i.167; ekasīmāya within one boundary, in the same parish Ja.i.425; nissīmaṃ outside the boundary Vin.i.122, Vin.i.132; bahisīmagata gone outside the boundary Vin.i.255. bhinnasīma transgressing the bounds (of decency) Mil.122
■ In compound sīma˚ & sīmā˚.

  • -anta a boundary Mhvs.25, Mhvs.87; sin Snp.484; Ja.iv.311
  • -antarikā the interval between the boundaries Ja.i.265 Vism.74.
  • -ātiga transgressing the limits of sin, conquering sin Snp.795; Mnd.99.
  • -kata bounded, restricted Cnd.p.153 (cp. pariyanta).
  • -ṭṭha dwelling within the boundary Vin.i.255.
  • -samugghāta removal, abolishing of a boundary Mhvs.37, Mhvs.33.
  • -sambheda mixing up of the boundary lines Vism.193, Vism.307, Vism.315.

cp. Sk. sīmā