- travel, going on, proceeding, good habit (like yāta; cp. yātrā = anuvṛtti Halāyudha 5, 33; SN.i.33; SN.i.16 = SN.i.63 (translation K.S., perhaps wrongly “egress”: it is more a question of going on through life!). Perhaps to be classed under foll. meaning as well.
- going on, livelihood, support of life, maintenance, in stock phrase occurring at many places of the Canon, viz. “purāṇaṃ vedanaṃ paṭihankhāmi, navañ ca vedanaṃ na uppādessāmi, yātrā ca me bhavissati etc.” where Dhs-a.404 explains yātrā by yāpanā, as may be inferred also from context. Thus at MN.i.10 (where Neumann translates: “ein Fortkommen haben, i.e. progress), MN.i.355; SN.iv.104; AN.ii.40; AN.iii.388; Mnd.496 Cnd.540 (correct devanaṃ into vedanaṃ!); Pp.25; Dhs.1348; Mil.367: all passages identical. The whole passage is explained in detail at Vism.31 sq. where yātrā is given with “cira-kāla-gamana-sankhātā yātrā, Bdhgh. thus taking it as “keeping going,” or “continued subsistence” (longevity trsḷn)
■ In one other passage yātrā is conjectured for sātrā, viz. at Snp-a.322 in reading y
■ yāga for sātrā yāga, where meaning y might be taken as “customary.” The ed. compares Sk. yātsattra, a certain ceremony.
fr. yā, Class. Sk. yātrā, a n. ag. formation like nettī, meaning something like “vehicle,” that which keeps going