
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

rukkha, 8 találat.

ayujjhā →


…and on the other the Dārukkhandha Sutta, although the latter is said in some manuscripts to have taken place in Kosambī. SN.iv.179f. In…

bhāradvāja →


…young brahmin, pupil of Tārukkha. A discussion between him and Vāseṭṭha led to the preaching of the Tevijja Sutta, DN.i.235 and also the…

caṅkī →


…and wealthy brahmins as Tārukkha, Pokkharasādi, Jāṇussoṇi and Todeyya. MN.ii.202

Caṅkī lived in the brahmin village of Opasāda, on a…

iccānaṅgala →


…among them Caṅkī, Tārukkha, Pokkarasāti, Jāṇussoṇi and Todeyya.

There were also two learned youths, Vāseṭṭha and Bhāradvāja…

jāṇussoṇi →


…such as Caṅkī, Tārukkha, Pokkharasāti and Todeyya. Snp.p.115 He is mentioned as staying in Icchānaṅgala, MN.ii.196 where he…

suppatiṭṭhita →


…warned him to keep the Rukkhadhamma, which was that various people take and make use of various parts of a tree; it is not for the deva of…

tārukkha →


One of the most eminent great brahmins, contemporary of the Buddha.

He was present at the assemblies of the brahmins in Icchānaṅgala and in Manasākaṭa.

He was the teacher of Bhāradvāja, companion of …

uttarakuru →


…and it also possesses a Kapparukkha which lasts for a whole kappa. AN.i.264

The Buddha is said to have travelled with his psychic powers to…